Applications of Water-Based Release Agents for PU Dual Density Shoe Soles: Enhancing Manufacturing Processes and Sustainability


Water-based release agents have become a key component in the footwear industry, specifically in the manufacturing of polyurethane (PU) dual-density shoe soles. As concerns over the environmental impact of traditional solvent-based release agents grow, the demand for eco-friendly alternatives has risen. In this article, we will provide an in-depth look at the various applications of water-based release agents for PU dual-density shoe soles and summarize their role in today's environmentally conscious market.

Manufacturing PU Dual-Density Shoe Soles

The primary application of water-based release agents lies in the manufacturing process of PU dual-density shoe soles. These shoe soles consist of a comfortable, softer cushioning layer in direct contact with the foot (midsole) and a harder, wear-resistant layer touching the ground (outsole). The two layers are created through separate pouring and curing steps, requiring a reliable release agent to prevent adhesion issues during demolding.

Water-based release agents are specifically designed to fulfill this need, offering excellent compatibility with the various materials and process conditions involved in the production of PU dual-density shoe soles.

Key Application Aspects

Mold Preparation

Before the production process begins, the shoe sole molds must be cleaned and prepped for use. This involves applying a water-based release agent as a thin, even layer to the mold's surface. The release agent creates an efficient barrier between the mold and the PU material, promoting a smooth separation of the shoe sole from the mold upon curing.

Curing and Demolding

After pouring the PU material into the mold, the release agent facilitates efficient curing to form the dual-density sole. Upon completion of the curing process, the water-based release agent ensures a clean and easy demolding of the shoe soles, with minimal chance of surface defects or damage.

Post-Production Cleanup

Water-based release agents offer the added benefit of easy post-production cleanup of the molds. Owing to their low residue and straightforward application, the cleanup process becomes more efficient, reducing downtime and allowing for a more streamlined manufacturing process.

Advantages offered by Water-Based Release Agents

Environmental Sustainability

Water-based release agents use water as their primary carrier and typically contain a lower proportion of hazardous chemicals. This translates to lower VOC emissions, contributing to a reduced environmental footprint and supporting a more sustainable approach to manufacturing PU dual-density shoe soles.

Safety and Comfort

The absence of solvents within water-based release agents makes them less likely to produce strong odors or fumes during application, providing a safer and more comfortable working environment for operators.


The ease of application, efficient separation, and simplified cleanup process offered by water-based release agents can reduce material waste and overall production time while enhancing manufacturing efficiency. This contributes to cost savings through higher productivity and a more streamlined production process.


The application of water-based release agents in the manufacturing of PU dual-density shoe soles has become increasingly valuable for footwear manufacturers, offering eco-friendly properties, safety, and cost-effectiveness while delivering excellent performance. These release agents play a crucial role in the production of high-quality, comfortable, and durable shoe soles.

In summary, integrating water-based release agents into the production process of footwear, specifically PU dual-density shoe soles, presents an opportunity for manufacturers to embrace environmentally responsible practices while maintaining efficiency, cost-effectiveness, and product quality. As the market continues to emphasize sustainability, water-based release agents are poised to solidify their position as an essential solution in the footwear industry.