Case Study Polyurethane:
Less buildup in the mould by using a new release agent.


When a large manufacturer of foam two-wheeler seats was facing the issue of high mould buildup — which required frequent cleanings that slowed production and caused accelerated wear to the moulds — we were confident we could help. We replaced the less technically advanced release agent they were using with a higher-efficiency product that exhibited a consistent level of quality, reducing the consumption of the release agent by 50%. Mould cleanings were also cut by half, enhancing mould life and increasing their production efficiency. VOC levels on the shop floor and overall costs (a crucial factor for the manufacturer) were also lowered. Even more critically, we offered a solution that provided a safer work environment. 


Employing the highly analytical methods that Huagechemical is known for, we conducted multiple trials with a product we had used to successfully decrease mould buildup for other customers. Our first trials were limited. We worked toward gathering accurate data, as the operator who was unaccustomed to using a higher-efficiency release agent that required a lower application rate gained more experience with the new product. We helped build confidence by providing shop-floor training to the operator. A longer bulk trial followed. Upon analysing their daily production reports, we quickly saw a dramatic reduction in product consumption and mould cleaning frequency. 


The results were so impressive that after utilizing Huagechemical’s products and methods for just over half a year, they made the switch at their other plants as well. Reducing mould buildup with our release agent caused a domino effect: cleanings were slashed by half, which decreased downtime and extended time between mould replacements. All of these changes led to significant monetary savings. Overall, we were able to reduce the production costs of their foam components by 35%. Additionally, the health, safety, and environmental aspects of the customer’s facility were improved through our product’s lower VOC levels.